TheArtists is a curated non-profit platform dedicated to supporting artists.

TheArtists is a curated non-profit platform dedicated to supporting artists. We focus on the artists themselves, giving them a voice and visibility. We offer the international public the opportunity to discover contemporary artists and provide insight into their artistic practices on

Behind TheArtists are Maren Brauner, Martin Heller, Michael Oswald and Beat Raeber. Beat Raeber is an enabler and supporter of contemporary artistic practice and has worked with internationally renowned artists with his former gallery RaebervonStenglin. Michael Oswald is the Creative Director of his agency OSW. Martin Heller is a Berlin-based lawyer and a longtime experienced consultant and counsellor for artists, galleries and institutions worldwide. Maren Brauner is a curator, art mediator and editor.

Team portrait the artists christian knoerr 2021 zurich neu

from left to right: Maren Brauner, Beat Raeber, Michael Oswald, Martin Heller

Beat Raeber

Beat Raeber is an enabler and supporter of contemporary artistic practice and has worked with internationally renowned artists such as Jill Magid, Sofia Hultén, Saâdane Afif, Rirkrit Tiravanija and Raphael Hefti.

Until 2017 he ran the Zurich-based, internationally-renowned gallery RaebervonStenglin, which he founded in 2010. From 2013—2016, he was part of the Art Basel Selection Committee as an expert for the Feature and Statements, the two dedicated sectors focused on young contemporary art.

He studied Industrial Design in Basel and holds a master degree in History of Art of the University of Glasgow.

Beat raeber the artists portrait

Beat Raeber

Maren Brauner

Maren Brauner is a curator, art mediator and editor and currently works as a co-curator at the Atelier Hermann Haller in Zurich.

From 2008—2020, she was assistant curator and communications responsible at Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, working closely with international artists. She also worked as a lecturer at the GBS St.Gallen and as a coach for guest artists from Egypt, Palestine and India as part of Pro Helvetia's Artists-in-Residence program as well as the residency of the Dr. Georg and Josi Guggenheim Foundation.

She completed her studies in Art History, Communication and English Literature at the University of Zurich and the Universidad de Valladolid, and the Postgraduate program in Curating at the Zurich University of the Arts.

Maren brauner the artists portrait

Maren Brauner

Martin Heller

As a lawyer, Martin Heller has represented world-famous artists since the 1990s in setting up their studios and with commissioned work worldwide, and is now pursuing this activity as a consultant for artists as well as selected galleries and institutions. He also acts as mediator in the conception and negotiation of collaborations and commissioned work worldwide.

He has been a member of the board of the Kunst-Werke Berlin since the 1990s, where he supervised its structural development – an institution to which he remains committed on various levels. The Berlin Gallery Weekend was founded in his office, and he has been advising its evolution ever since. He has led workshops for artists in Masterclasses at the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam; the ZHdK in Zurich; the Kunsthochschule Weissensee; and the Sakakini Cultural Center in Ramallah under the topic "Professional Instructions – How to be an artist or run an institution (practical, legal and strategic aspects)” and has had a teaching post in the field of culture management at the Freie Universität of Berlin since 2021.

Martin heller the artists portrait

Martin Heller

Michael Oswald

Michael Oswald has been the owner and creative director of the interdisciplinary creative and design agency OSW for 16 years.

After several years at the arts and crafts school in Basel in the 1990s, he began an apprenticeship as a carpenter. At that time, he was active in the graffiti scene in Switzerland. After his second apprenticeship as a graphic designer, he worked in several different advertising agencies in Switzerland and as a freelance art director for distinct clients among which the Stop AIDS and Alcohol Prevention campaigns for the Federal Office of Public Health.

Michael Oswald the artists portrait

Michael Oswald